Thursday, September 13, 2007

Deadline 3/HW 5/Audience Analysis

An Audience Analysis for my topic is difficult as my topic affects people of all ages, sex, ethnicity, nationality, living envrironments, vocations, education, political beliefs, and religious beliefs. For instance if a Long Term Conflict were to emerge in the middle east based around Iran it would likely affect the international community. War effects all people evenly remotely attatched to it in one way or another. In terms of who it would affect the most I imagine it would be the citizens of the United States and the people of the Middle East. Other possiblities such as Short Term Conflict, Iranian or United Nations submission might have smaller audiences but the fact is people everywhere should be concerned with my subject. Not just to know what would happen were there Long Term Conflict but to have a better idea what sort of steps should be taken so that a less ominous outcome results. I'm sure there's some goat farmer in the middle of the Mongolian Stepps who doesn't give a crap-n-a-half about Iran but the reality is that events that could have such wide ranging consequences should allways be monitored and dealt with carefully. The future is the result of enormous numbers of possibilities all combining to be balanced between paradise and destruction. In other words, pay attention or shit happens.

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