Thursday, September 27, 2007

D5HW3 Peer Review Reflection

I reviewed:
Tara Bates
Deadline #4 WP#1

Heather Morris
Heather Morris

I enjoyed reading through other people's posts. Mostly what I left them with were grammatical corrections, alternative wording, and some thoughts on their structure. It really made me wonder a bit about how many errors I probably made on my research proposal so I'll definitely have to run through it. It was also interesting reading about the topics as I looked specifically at ones I knew were of particular interest to me. Another thing I liked about reading them is you can tell, by their writing, a bit about a person so it was a chance to better understand some of my class mates. It's good when you can tell somebody has a passion for what their writing about and it's pretty easy to see in their writing. As of yet, unfortunately, nobody has reviewed my proposal. Or if they did they left no comments and thus I have no feedback. We'll be doing peer review in class so I guess that will have to do.

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